Manuscript Submissions
Submission method to ICVES 2025 To Be Announced.
Keywords: 1-3 conference-specific keywords that relate to the work that is submitted.
Manuscript file: PDF file (version 1.4 or higher) with all fonts embedded, in US Letter page size, searchable, and with no password protection. Final papers sent to be part of the program of the conference MUST be formatted according to the instructions provided HERE (shortcuts to preparing manuscript: LaTEX support and MS-Word support).
The expected length of the manuscript is 6 pages. A page charge needs to be paid if your final paper is over this page limit. A maximum of 2 additional pages is allowed, but at an extra cost per page (to be announced). The maximum number of pages is 6 + 2 (with additional cost) = 8.
To upload the final manuscript, at least one of the authors listed on the paper must register for the ICVES 2025.
If the paper is accepted, at least one of the authors listed on the paper must attend the conference and present the paper according to the scheduling decided by the conference’s Technical Program Committee. In the (rare) event that the presenter is unable to attend the conference for any reason, it is the presenter’s responsibility to ensure that the paper is presented by a qualified colleague.
IMPORTANT: Manuscripts generated by large language models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT are prohibited as submissions to ICVES 2025. We will allow papers for which LLMs are used for light-editing of the authors’ original manuscript, such as for spelling and grammar corrections. During the submission process, the authors will be asked to confirm/certify that their submission represents the personal writing of and preparation by the authors, and was not generated by any large language model, such as ChatGPT or similar.
All papers submitted will be peer-reviewed. All the accepted papers, if they are presented at ICVES 2025, will be published in IEEE Xplore and eligible for the journal special issues arranged for the conference.
Please note that the submission deadline is set to July 15th, 2025.